Psychics and Scientists

Companion Scenario: Spontaneous Generation


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An observation is, a remark, statement, or comment based on something one has seen, heard, or noticed. While, at this point, this might seem obvious, Scientific Observations are possibly, the single most important step in the Scientific method. Why, well for a number of reasons, but the foremost important is that observations help frame your questions and formulate your hypothesis. Those believers in Spontaneous Generation had it right in noticing  that raw meat and Flies shared a relationship; however, where they went astray was where they went with the observation.

    Observations can be anything that occurs or has occurred to completion that you can document  WHO, WHAT, WHERE and WHEN. Where our ancestors went wrong was in the how. Instead of investigating how regarding the relationship between raw meat and flies, not knowing where flies came from, they satisfied the observation with reason derived from the components within the observation, Raw Meat and Flies, instead of manipulating the components of the observation  outside of the natural state..


Examples include:

  1. (1)Flies tend to be in close proximity to raw meat hung out doors.

  2. (2) Runners who eat a good breakfast tend to have better workouts.

  3. (3) Cardiac patients tend to proclaim a lot of salt usage when they cook.

  4. (4)There appear to be more frogs near the muddy river bank and in areas where there is constantly a muddy mess.

  5. (5)When I talk to my plants they grow faster.