Introductory Biology Laboratory
Peer Evaluation Form

Goal: Teamwork is consistently shown to improve student learning and performance and lighten workloads if done well. Holding team members accountable is a tool that contributes to high quality teamwork. Using these forms to provide evaluation of your teammates assists us in reaching the goal of equal participation by all team members. The information and ratings provided help your instructor address any issues that may arise.

Deadline: You are to submit your evaluation of your peers at the end of each investigation and before the next one begins. You are also required to read the summary of your teammates evaluation of you before the next lab meeting after your lab instructor provides the summary.

Due 48 hours AFTER your lab during the week starting...

Directions: While your instructor will know the identify of each person submitting an evaluation, your teammates will not.  Peer evaluations should be based on each teammates participation during lab.  If a student is absent, this should not be held against them. Please see your syllabus and lab manual for further instructions on how to fill out this form correctly. 

Checklist: To assist you in evaluating your teammates, we have provided a checklist on the next page. It is based on three broad guidelines:

● Did they come prepared?

● Did they contribute through words and actions?

● Did they allow/encourage others to participate?

To see the peer evaluation feedback your TA has prepared for you, go to your personal page.